Ultimate Spider-Man Force of Nature written by Gavin Hignight

Hey, True Believers! (I can’t believe I finally got to say that…)

Tune in April 10th to DisneyXD to watch the Ultimate Spider-Man episode “Force of Nature” written by this webhead!

So excited to have the opportunity to write for Spider-Man. And as luck should have it I got to write Iron Spider, Scarlet Spider and Miles Morales (my current favorite Spidey!!) Not to mention Peter Parker himself. I also get to introduce a new villain… A hint… H20 is involved.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Race With The Demon written by Gavin Hignight


How unbelievably psyched am I that I had the privilege of writing tonight’s episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!! “RACE WITH THE DEMON”

Monster culture, hot-rod culture, mutant ninja culture… all of my favorite things collide in this episode.


My first graphic novel MOTOR CITY was inspired by the efforts of Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. Inspired by all they had accomplished with their black and white indie comic, I was gonna make my own, which I did, it was all about hot-rods, greasers, monsters, the unknown…

So how fun is it for me, all these years later to tell a story in the Ninja Turtles universe that plays with much of the same.


Race With The Demon airs on Nickelodeon November 21st at 8PM.

Booyakasha!!! or Ratfink-akasha!!!!! or Goongala!!! take your pick…

FIST at Mile High Horror Film Festival!!


A HUGE THANK YOU to Mile High Horror Film Festival! The short film FIST played amongst some fantastic horror shorts at the 2014 Film Festival.

The Alamo Drafthouse Denver was the perfect home for the festival. The crowd, vendors, volunteers and atmosphere were perfect.


A HUGE THANK YOU to actor and Horror Film Legend Michael Berryman for his very kind words to myself and the audience about FIST.


Also a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who came out to support the film.





FIST will make its online premiere this week!

FIST premiere at Hollyshorts Film Festival 2014 Directed by Gavin Hignight


Over the weekend we had a fantastic time at Hollyshorts Film Festival. The Sunday night Sci Fi Block had the premiere of FIST. The Film was written, directed and produced by Gavin, it stars JD Mendonca and David Dean Bottrell. Audience response to the film was exactly what we were hoping for. We were pleased not only to be in the festival, but to be in the block with so many great short science fiction films. A BIG THANKS to Hollyshorts for having us.





