Four Days of Fog


Four Days of Fog
I’ve surfaced
At a diner somewhere
They’re playing old Doors records
There’s history on the walls
And women out of time
I’m sitting with my tea of nostalgia
In a fever dream, I saw my dead friend the other day
He told me how the times they have changed
And I’m still walking around in my fog



Swimming through night

Swimming thru night

Swimming through night
We intoxicate ourselves
With fluid
With life
Drown in dark
Love in flesh
Swimming in this
A haze
A darkness
A madness
A memory
A love
Find her
Pillage your past
Fight for your future
This night
Will go on forever
It will join in legend
Like so many others
In your youth
In your prime
Your lost days
Your lonely nights
Your triumphs
And pains
Swim this night
Search this dark
Find the truth
Find yourself

Dragging the trees out


They’re dragging the dead trees out this morning
It’s a time of haze and of loss
Rebirth for some
The closing of the casket for others
Somewhere in-between
Between retreat and the will of manifestation
Between the lost child and the broken old man
On this morning of the New Year
And just outside, they’re dragging the dead trees out
Giving aid to weary
Hope to the hopeless
And me…
Walking a hangover morning
Of loss
Of time
I’m somewhere inside
Nursing wounds with words
Bathing in memories
And where are you?
In this New Year
I’ll never know

The Night’s Out There


The night’s out there
Like so many before
The night’s out there
And I’m wanting more
The night’s out there, you told me
The night’s out there and we’ll never be

Alone on these streets
Alone at the bars
Nothing else matters
Under the stars
Searching for he, searching for this
Searching for her, waiting for the kiss
So many night’s, out there alone
Tonight I plead, on a cellular phone

I’m armed by the city
Seduced by her charms
Loving the moment
Alone in the car

The New Time

the new time

The new time
New tricks
Old hat, the old ways
Cost cutting, pride down
Empty words, sometimes no meaning
Where has your heart gone?
Pain cutter
Loss maker
Where to find the meaning in this
Promise us your words have meaning

Into The Grey

into the grey

Moving toward the grey
A storm on the horizon
And on your soul
A chill on the wind
And in your heart
Traveling fast now
Into the unknown
You’ve brought your specter
He travels well
And fast
Fast passed distance and time
Behind you, so many ghosts
In front of you, so many more to make
Traveling into the grey
Into yourself
Your decisions
Your mistakes
Like a mist on your face
A cold reminder
Damp in the air
The fields of your youth
Haunt you
Those memories
Those visions
They are the specter
You bring with you
As you travel forward
Into the grey

Coyote Trail

Coyote Trail

Coyote Trail
Waiting for that big break
For the breakers
For the light
For the end of this long night
Wander up that path
Coyote Trail
Searching for food
For life
Wading through the early morning light
Stretching out what’s left of your coyote night
In these hills
Where man has taken over
Spiders hide at day
Coyotes hunt at night
We lay still in darkness
In heat
In light
We wander
We search
We climb that trail

The Loneliest Place


The loneliest place
Trapped in that week
Between Christmas and New Years
Desperate men
Desperate faces
My line is dying out
Nowhere to turn
Nowhere to run
Just a haven
In this concrete hell
The lights shining down
Are starting to fade
To think on these streets
We recently played
Trapped under an umbrella
Stolen with a kiss
Now I rot away here
Not sure if I’m missed
Right here
Stuck in the time
Between Christmas and New Years
In the loneliest place

Poison of Rejection

poison of rejection

Poison of rejection
Falling so far downward
So fast
Losing the battle
Losing friends
Losing yourself
In that dream
In desire
And where are you now?
With a cold face
A cold heart
Drinking the poison of rejection
Lovers hold the hands of the living
You dance in the visions of your death
A statement
A choice
Coursing through the veins
Of this poison of rejection