It’s been a hell of a year or two for everyone hasn’t it? Let me begin by saying that hope whoever happens to read this little blog (blogs are passe’ now right? Ugh… well, I’ll keep writing for now as that’s what I do.) Back to my point, let me just say, that for any and all of you who read this, and for those who don’t read this I hope you’ve all stayed healthy and safe. And it is my hope your family and friends are still with you and facing down this pandemic and human stupidity as best you can.
Now — on to the fun update which is LONG OVERDUE. I got together with fellow writer and toy nerd Doc Wyatt and WE STARTED A TOY COMPANY!!!! Wandering Planet Toys! And I’m excited to say our first toyline based on the cult classic amazing TV series THE PRISONER has been a huge success via Kickstarter. We are humbled and thankful to all the backers who came onboard to make action figures from The Prisoner a reality!

I of course plan to continue writing and being creative in TV, animation and comics (and maybe even a film down the line) but why not add creating toys to that list? Anyone who knows me know that I refuse to grow up and old, and the best way to do that is with an action figure in hand. Here’s a look at our first line. And YES we are working on more for the future of Wandering Planet.
Here’s a fun look at some of first wave of The Prisoner figures we’re creating.