September 4, 2019
What can I say… it’s a sad day. I woke up this morning to learn that Peter Lindbergh has passed away. It was a total shock. There are some people who’s energy is so powerful, who’s impact is so far reaching and part of culture, that you just assume (and greatly take for granted) that they will always be here. In some way, with the legacy of images and friends he’s left behind he will always be here. But to know he’s personally moved on… hurts.
Peter, for some reason, believed in me. He saw something so few did. I mean, I didn’t have a choice, I do what I do, make what I make, and try to contribute to the world collective because I have no choice. It’s in me. That doesn’t mean I always even believe in myself, it’s just something I need to get out… well, Peter Lindbergh is on the very short list of those who who believed in me, when there was no reason to. And I will always be thankful to him for it.
As my brother eloquently put it, Peter was very nice to me when we needed adults who wouldn’t let us down.
Whenever I had the great pleasure of shooting with Peter, his sets were not like a crew or work, it was like coming to work with a big family. And whenever that day came, no matter who you were, or how long it had been, he made you part of that family.
In an industry and town that people constantly elevate themselves by belittling others, Peter was different. He took joy in his craft, in the people he surrounded himself by and the world around all of us. Maybe his black and white images were stunning and perfect because he saw the world with a monotone clarity inside and outside of the camera? I don’t know. All I know is that someone capable who was recognized for creating beautiful art, accepted me, encouraged me and helped steer my very fragile career in a positive direction. His choice to include me, legitimized me, and for that I will always be thankful.
I shot with many people during those times, but truthfully I didn’t really connect with any of them. I did connect with Peter, as many did, because he was open and giving, not only with his creative energy but also his personal energy.
In the years since I shot with him, Peter and I stayed in touch. Yet another rarity for someone so busy and important in their world. He sent me fun candid images from his travels, I did the same, always making sure to keep him posted on my endeavors as I climbed up the ladder of my career. He was always positive and supportive.
As a matter of fact, Peter insisted some of my creative writing be worked into one of the editorials we did. It was once of the first times I was published in a real capacity. That’s the kind of guy he was. Always elevating.
You will be missed, sir. Â Thank you Peter for including me.